Make Your Cause Marketing Inclusive
It’s not just the message of cause marketing that’s important — it also matters who is featured in your campaigns. This might sound really obvious, but it’s still something that some advertisers struggle with.
Make Your Cause Marketing Inclusive
Brands have aligned with issues and causes for years, but people don’t trust words — they trust actions. If you’re running a campaign on a particular issue, consider featuring those who are closest to it. Once the agency decided they wanted to highlight the lives of women farmers, it made sense that they would turn to those same people for help. They worked with a team of mostly women from another Agency to help them execute this campaign. The music video we created featured generations of women from the Dotterer family — real-life female farmers from the Land O’Lakes cooperative. They then went one step further and partnered with The Female Farmer Project to produce a three-part documentary series called “In Their Words,” which features incredible, inspiring stories of women in farming. Video offered them the opportunity to show, not just tell, consumers about the people behind our products.
Follow up with action
Brands have aligned with issues and causes for years, but people don’t trust words — they trust actions. That’s why it’s important to put your money where your mouth is and ensure that you’re really doing your part to make a difference for the causes you’re aligning with.